Wednesday, August 13, 2008

TR Prize Poets Hit the Airways and Podcasts

Tampa Review Prize poet Steve Kowit will be featured on Garrison Keillor’s THE WRITER'S ALMANAC, to be broadcast nationally on National Public Radio on August 19.

Keillor will read Kowit's poem "Memorial Day" from his TR Prize book, THE FIRST NOBLE TRUTH. It will be available as a podcast on the NPR site:

Another poem from Steve's book, "Will Boland and I," is being recorded and digitally broadcast by Lighthouse for the Blind as part of their service to the blind and visually impaired.

TR Prize-winner Sarah Maclay had a poem from her latest UT Press book, THE WHITE BRIDE, selected as poem of the month for August by Verse Daily. "Anne B to Henry 8" can be found through the Verse Daily "Web Monthly" links at the bottom of the page at:

Sarah was also a recent reader on a podcast for World Wide Word Radio Network's "The Moe Green Poetry Hour," where she shared the hour with Stephanie Brown and Rick Hilles. Podcasts are archived at:

http://www.blogtalk onword/